Weight Loss & Accountability Coaching
For Women Over 40
Live Your Best Life NOW!
Does the thought of being overweight for another year make you cringe?
"Just try this new diet" they say.
"Stop eating after 6pm" they say.
"Eliminate gluten and dairy" they say.
You've tried all the things before and failed.
I know how frustrating this is because I've been there too.
Imagine never having to diet again!
What I'm about to tell you might just be
the missing piece you've been looking for.
The V.I.P.
Transformational Program
Finally, lose the unwanted weight and keep it off for good!

Cathy, Lost 35lbs
With other programs I'd lose my weight and then gain it back. [With] Kym's program, I'm much happier overall. I feel better, look better, and I'm more who I should be.

Carol, Lost 30lbs
When I first came to Kym I was depressed because I was at my heaviest [...] Kym has helped me tremendously through my weight loss journey.

Kat, Lost 60lbs
I'm not going to lie, it hasn't been easy, but [Kym] has been with me every step of the way. This has been the key to keeping [the weight] off. I've never invested in ME before, it's always the kids, family and work. It was MY time. I'm worth it!

Darleen, Lost 40lbs
I'd recommend Kym to everyone who wants to lose weight and keep it off.
How is the program delivered?All weight loss and maintenence programs are delivered 100% virtually. You do not need to be in person ever. There are no pre-packaged foods, supplements, points or calories to count. You buy all your own grocery store food and the whole family can eat with you. Your food journals, weigh ins and photos are all submitted to Kym via email. Your coaching sessions can be done via phone or zoom video meeting. The Facebook Groups are (of course) online in Facebook. And any additional support can be done via email, text or messenger.
I only have a little bit to lose, do I really need a 6 month program?"This is a lifestyle change, not a 'quick fix' or 'diet'. We find people who have the most success maintaining their weight loss long-term get support throughout the entire 6 months, and depending on how much you want to lose ,all three phases of the program. The benefit of being in the program for the 6 months means that you get support through every emotional up and down, every craving, everyday living, every food event, holiday, vacation and stressor that arises in the natural flow of life. You will learn how to handle and prevent any situation that arises that could jeopardize your weight loss success. And you won't have to do it alone! And the best part is , most women do need more than 6 months so as an addiotnal bonus you can renew another 6 months to get even more support or have more weight to lose , where you will save another $500. Jump on a Breakthrough Call with Kym HERE
What are the 3 phases of the program?Phase 1 = Weight Loss This is the first phase when you are actively losing weight to get down to your goal number. This phase will be different for every one depending on how much you want to lose. Phase 2 = Stabilization This is the phase once you reach your weight loss goal and start to balance out your new daily dietary needs. This phase takes approximately 6-8weeks Phase 3 = Maintenance Once your weight has stabilized for at least 6 weeks, you are ready for maintenance. This phase is how you maintain your weight loss long term. It's important to have support throughout all three phases. The body needs at least a year in this phase for best results.
How do I get started?To get started, you can book a Complimentary Breakthrough Session with Kym. In this call you will: * Discover why you are not able to lose weight * Understand excactly what next steps to take... and it's probaly not what you think * And walk away with a clear plan so that you can finally live your best life now!
In addition to saving over $2000, you will also get these bonuses:
Exclusive Members-Only Facebook Group
Be inspired every day by like-minded women just like you on the program.
Come together for community, connection, and motivation.
We have expert speakers, monthly Q&A, and even more bonus materials.
Recipe Club
Over 500 delicious and family-friendly recipes are broken down step-by-step
with portions for easy journaling and tracking program allotments.
VIP All-Access Pass
Access to all masterclasses, workshops, and challenges.
Your Very Own Private VIP Portal
All your coaching calls will be stored with extra tips, tools, and resources discussed in our coaching call.
Easy to find and review with lifetime access.
My promise to you
I promise, when you follow the steps, stick to the program and put in the effort, you will see results.
I am 100% committed to your success!

Weight Loss V.I.P
Transformational Program
Customized 6-month program to guide you step-by-step through your weight loss, stabilization, and maintenance journey.
12 Month Programs Are Available-Save More!
Let’s schedule a call to discuss your unique situation and explore how my coaching program can best support you.
Looking forward to connecting with you soon!
Spots are limited, act fast!

Hi, I'm KYM
Your weight loss and accountability coach
For over 15 years, I was a yo-yo dieter losing and regaining 20-30 pounds every year. I was frustrated, overwhelmed and full of self-doubt. When I finally hired a coach and invested in myself, everything changed.
I found someone who was there for me, to support me, walk me through the process step by step and keep me motivated. My coach held me accountable to my own actions and made sure I did not quit... no matter what the circumstances!
In 2003, I became a Certified Health Coach and I have owned and operated 3 weight management nutrition centres and helped over 2000 clients. It is my passion and mission to help as many women as I can so that they don't lose 15 plus years of their lives dieting like I did.
I am proud to say I have maintained my 30 pound loss now since 2003, and I am living my best life!
I look forward to helping you on your weight loss journey.
Kym Campbell Hanson

Live Your Best Life Now!
Imagine how confident you will feel when you reach your goal.
Imagine how much more energy you can have.
Imagine feeling the heathiest you have felt in years (or possibly ever)
Imagine having to never do another "diet" again
How would that truly feel to you ?
Take back your health!