Weight Loss & Accountability Coaching
For Women Over 40
Does this sound like you?
You try to lose weight on your own but:
You keep trying over and over and aren't having any success
You start and stop diets when you fall off track or stop seeing results.
If you do have a "cheat", you say “oh well, I already had that I might as well have this" and then the domino effect begins.
That little voice in your head keeps telling you that you can’t do this. That it's too late and you are a lost cause.
You know you need to hold yourself accountable to doing the things you know you should do but just can't do it alone.
You are in the right place!
I completely understand, I've been there.
And now I'm here to help YOU through it.
No more letting yourself down, beating yourself up and succumbing to self-sabotage. Losing weight is largely about changing behaviors, including your mindset, what you eat and how active you are.
When trying to change a behavior you have had for a very long time, it can be challenging, especially on your own.
Having a support system in place and a coach that will keep you accountable will help you when things become difficult, and you’re tempted to quit.
Start focusing on what you want in life.

Are you feeling frustrated
and overwhelmed by life’s demands and are having a difficult time losing weight and keeping it off?
You know you need to make some significant lifestyle changes, but you aren’t sure which direction to take?
You are 100% committed to a lifestyle overhaul because you’re at a stage in your life where you know that it’s now or never.
Sounds like you are looking for weightloss for women over 40, you need a weightloss and accountability coach!
If this sounds like you and you want to learn more about how to take your weight loss to next level, I invite you to claim
a Weight Loss Breakthrough Session.
In this complimentary 30-minute session, we will talk about:
where you are at in your weight loss journey,
what your health goals are and then
create a weight-loss and wellness strategy for the rest of your life.
Are you ready? Let's talk.
Online Coaching
Support That Makes a Difference
This online coaching is where you get to take ownership of what you think will work best for you. Take back your power that YOU know what your body likes and doesn't like.
There are months and weeks where you are thinking you are ready and then there are days that you KNOW you are ready.
When you're personally ACCOUNTABLE you stop assigning blame, “should-ing” on people, and making excuses.
My job is to give you the tools and techniques to achieve a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle. Having someone to be accountable to as well as to support you every step of the way can be extremely empowering.
I will teach you how to hold yourself accountable, meet commitments and stick with a program.
The result being; you will achieve your goals and notice results.
After several sessions, you will become educated and motivated at handling your day to day challenges and be prepared whenever and wherever they arise.
If you are ready and you KNOW you’ve had enough and it’s time to make a change then LET'S DO IT!
Schedule your complimentary Weight loss Break Through Session.
Professional Passionate Coaching
I struggled with my weight for many years and I can identify with the challenges, frustrations and struggles you go through, mentally and physically.
After undergoing my own transformation journey (30 pounds lost + maintained since 2003) and being a "Yo-Yo dieter" for over 15 years I can relate and identify with what you go through 100%.
I have worked with over 2000 clients in the last 18 years and it has been truly rewarding. I have helped women with all kinds of conditions and health concerns. Perimenopausal, Menopausal, Postmenopausal, clients with Colitis, IBS, food allergies and sensitivities, Vegan, Vegetarian, and Diabetic.
My mission is to help other women build healthier & more fulfilling lives so that they can STOP Dieting and live the life they have wanted and desired for so long.
I adore this work and the women I coach.
They are brave. They are resilient. They are fierce.
If you are ready to CHANGE your life so am I!

Meet Your Coach
Schedule your Weight Loss Breakthrough Call
This complimentary 30 minute Weight Loss Breakthrough Session is designed to:
• Discover exactly why you're not able to lose weight
• Understand exactly what next steps to take
• Walk away with a clear plan so that you can finally lose your unwanted weight and keep it off...for good!